we're pushing some Rust in production now ssh jail, proxy, git subsystems
VLC handles most audio, video and streaming formats
started in July 2014 (in another repo) no impl Trait no lifetime elision closures?
fighting lifetime issues was (still is) a pain compilation times (well, compilation times can be hairy in rust, like the alt! bug)
fn parser<I,O,E>(input: I) -> IResult<I, O, E>
pub enum IResult<Input,Output,CustomError=u32> {
Done contains output and remaining input
terminated!( alpha, digit )
take time to explain here
macros are easy to write a bit annoying to debug when you don't get the right types some patterns are hard to express, like the permutation parser parser combinators are easy to express
fn data<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8], u32> {
match alpha(input) {
Done(i, o) => {
match digit(i) {
Done(i2, _) => Done(i2, o),
Incomplete(Needed::Size(i)) =>
Incomplete(Needed::Size(input.input_len() - i.input_len() + i)),
e => e,
e => e
fn data<'a>(i: &'a [u8]) -> ::nom::IResult<&'a [u8], &[u8], u32> {
match {
use nom::InputLength;
match alpha(i) {
::nom::IResult::Error(e) =>
::nom::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
use nom::InputLength;
match digit(i) {
::nom::IResult::Error(e) =>
::nom::IResult::Done(i, o) => {
::nom::IResult::Done(i, (o, o))
} {
::nom::IResult::Error(a) => ::nom::IResult::Error(a),
::nom::IResult::Incomplete(i) => ::nom::IResult::Incomplete(i),
::nom::IResult::Done(remaining, (_, o)) => {
::nom::IResult::Done(remaining, o)
access -> demux (=> audio and video streams) -> decode -> filter -> (encode -> stream) | (video and audio out)
struct demux_t
module_t *p_module;
char *psz_access;
char *psz_demux;
char *psz_location;
char *psz_file;
union {
stream_t *s;
demux_t *p_next;
/* es output */
es_out_t *out; /* our p_es_out */
check the bindgen claim
pub struct vlc_object_t {
pub psz_object_type: *const c_char,
pub psz_header: *mut c_char,
pub i_flags: c_int,
pub b_force: bool,
pub p_libvlc: *mut libvlc_int_t,
pub p_parent: *mut vlc_object_t,
pub struct demux_t<T> {
pub psz_object_type: *const c_char,
pub psz_header: *mut c_char,
pub i_flags: c_int,
pub b_force: bool,
pub p_libvlc: *mut libvlc_int_t,
pub p_parent: *mut vlc_object_t,
pub p_module: *mut module_t,
pub psz_access: *mut c_char,
pub psz_demux: *mut c_char,
pub psz_location: *mut c_char,
pub psz_file: *mut c_char,
pub s: *mut stream_t,
pub out: *mut es_out_t,
pub pf_demux: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut demux_t<T>) -> c_int>,
pub pf_control: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut demux_t<T>, c_int, *const va_list) -> c_int>,
// 'info' nested struct. Can we do that with Rust FFI?
pub i_update: c_uint,
pub i_title: c_int,
pub i_seekpoint: c_int,
//FIXME: p_sys contains a pointer to a module specific structure, make it generic?
pub p_sys: *mut T,
pub p_input: *mut input_thread_t,
#[link(name = "vlccore")]
extern {
pub fn stream_Read(stream: *mut stream_t, buf: *const c_void, size: size_t) -> ssize_t;
pub fn stream_Read(stream: *mut stream_t, buf: &mut [u8]) -> ssize_t {
unsafe {
ffi::stream_Read(stream, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *const c_void, buf.len())
static int Open ( vlc_object_t * );
static void Close( vlc_object_t * );
vlc_module_begin ()
set_description( N_("WAV demuxer") )
set_category( CAT_INPUT )
set_subcategory( SUBCAT_INPUT_DEMUX )
set_capability( "demux", 142 )
set_callbacks( Open, Close )
vlc_module_end ()
int vlc_entry__3_0_0a (vlc_set_cb, void *);
int vlc_entry__3_0_0a (vlc_set_cb vlc_set, void *opaque) {
module_t *module;
module_config_t *config = ((void*)0);
if (vlc_set (opaque, ((void*)0), VLC_MODULE_CREATE, &module))
goto error;
if (vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_NAME, ("modules/demux/wav.c")))
goto error;
if (vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_DESCRIPTION,
(const char *)(N_("WAV demuxer"))))
goto error;
vlc_set (opaque, ((void*)0), VLC_CONFIG_CREATE, (0x06), &config);
vlc_set (opaque, config, VLC_CONFIG_VALUE, (int64_t)(4));
vlc_set (opaque, ((void*)0), VLC_CONFIG_CREATE, (0x07), &config);
vlc_set (opaque, config, VLC_CONFIG_VALUE, (int64_t)(403));
if (vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_CAPABILITY, (const char *)("demux")) ||
vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_SCORE, (int)(142)))
goto error;
if (vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_CB_OPEN, Open) ||
vlc_set (opaque, module, VLC_MODULE_CB_CLOSE, Close))
goto error;
(void) config;
return 0;
return -1;
pub unsafe extern fn vlc_entry__3_0_0a(
vlc_set: unsafe extern fn(*mut c_void, *mut c_void, c_int, ...) -> c_int,
opaque: *mut c_void) -> c_int {
let module: *mut c_void = 0 as *mut c_void;
if vlc_set(opaque, 0 as *mut c_void, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_CREATE as i32,
&module) != 0 { return -1; }
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_NAME as i32,
PLUGIN_NAME.as_ptr()) != 0 { return -1; }
let desc = b"FLV demuxer written in Rust\0";
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_DESCRIPTION as i32,
desc.as_ptr()) != 0 { return -1; }
let capability = b"demux\0";
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_CAPABILITY as i32,
capability.as_ptr()) != 0 { return -1; }
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_SCORE as i32, 999) != 0 {
return -1;
let p_open: extern "C" fn(*mut demux_t<demux_sys_t>) -> c_int =
transmute(open as extern "C" fn(_) -> c_int);
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_CB_OPEN as i32, p_open) != 0 {
return -1;
let p_close: extern "C" fn(*mut demux_t<demux_sys_t>) = transmute(close as extern "C" fn(_));
if vlc_set(opaque, module, VLCModuleProperties::VLC_MODULE_CB_CLOSE as i32, p_close) != 0 {
return -1;
set_description("FLV demuxer written in Rust")
set_capability("demux", 999)
set_callbacks(open, close)
named!(pub header<Header>,
tag!("FLV") ~
version: be_u8 ~
flags: be_u8 ~
offset: be_u32 ,
|| {
Header {
version: version,
audio: flags & 4 == 4,
video: flags & 1 == 1,
offset: offset
extern "C" fn open(p_demux: *mut demux_t<demux_sys_t>) -> c_int {
let p_demux = unsafe { &mut (*p_demux) };
let sl = stream_Peek(p_demux.s, 9);
if let nom::IResult::Done(_,h) = flavors::parser::header(sl) {
vlc_Log!(p_demux, LogType::Info, PLUGIN_NAME, "FOUND FLV FILE\n
version: {}\nhas_audio: {}\n has_video: {}\noffset: {}\n",
h.version, h.audio, h.video, h.offset);
stream_Seek(p_demux.s, h.offset as uint64_t);
p_demux.pf_demux = Some(demux);
p_demux.pf_control = Some(control);
p_demux.p_sys = Box::into_raw(Box::new(demux_sys_t {
i_pos: h.offset as usize,
i_size: 0,
video_initialized: false,
video_es_format: unsafe { zeroed() },
video_es_id: 0 as *mut c_void,
audio_initialized: false,
audio_es_format: unsafe { zeroed() },
audio_es_id: 0 as *mut c_void,
return 0;
named!(pub tag_header<TagHeader>,
tag_type: switch!(be_u8,
8 => value!(TagType::Audio) |
9 => value!(TagType::Video) |
18 => value!(TagType::Script)
) ~
data_size: be_u24 ~
timestamp: be_u24 ~
timestamp_extended: be_u8 ~
stream_id: be_u24 ,
|| {
TagHeader {
tag_type: tag_type,
data_size: data_size,
timestamp: ((timestamp_extended as u32) << 24) + timestamp,
stream_id: stream_id,
extern "C" fn demux(p_demux: *mut demux_t<demux_sys_t>) -> c_int {
let p_demux = unsafe { &mut (*p_demux) };
let p_sys = unsafe { &mut (*p_demux.p_sys) };
let mut header = [0u8; 15];
let sz = stream_Read(p_demux.s, &mut header);
if sz < 15 {
if sz == 4 {
vlc_Log!(p_demux, LogType::Info, PLUGIN_NAME, "end of stream");
return 0;
} else {
vlc_Log!(p_demux, LogType::Info, PLUGIN_NAME, "could not read header:\n{}",
return -1;
if let Done(_remaining, header) = tag_header(&header[4..]) {
match header.tag_type {
TagType::Audio => {
let mut a_header = [0u8; 1];
if stream_Read(p_demux.s, &mut a_header) < 1 { return -1; }
if let Done(_, audio_header) = audio_data_header(&a_header) {
// <initialize demuxer with audio format info>
let p_block: *mut block_t = stream_Block(p_demux.s, (header.data_size - 1) as size_t);
if p_block == 0 as *mut block_t { return -1; }
let p_block = unsafe { &mut(*p_block) };
let out_ref = p_demux.out;
unsafe {
to_va_list!(move |v: rs_va_list::va_list| {
let pf_control: fn(*mut c_void, c_int, rs_va_list::va_list) =
pf_control(out_ref as *mut c_void, ES_OUT_SET_PCR, v);
}, p_block.i_pts);
es_out_Send(p_demux.out, p_sys.audio_es_id, p_block);
return 1;
} else { return -1; }
sometimes, you can't write rust-y code, you need to adapt to the APIs
VLC uses the autotools heavily, and builds the module correctly for the right platform automatically (with libtool, etc)
[Enable rust-based plugins that require cargo to build (default disabled)])])
AS_IF([test "${enable_cargo}" = "yes"], [
AC_CHECK_PROG(CARGO, [cargo], [yes], [no])
AC_CHECK_PROG(RUSTC, [rustc], [yes], [no])
AS_IF([test "$CARGO" != "yes" -o "$RUSTC" != "yes"], [
AC_MSG_FAILURE("Rust based plugins cannot be built $CARGO $RUSTC")
librust1_plugin_la_SOURCES = ""
librust_plugin.a: demux/rust/src/lib.rs
cd $(srcdir)/demux/rust && CARGO_TARGET_DIR="$(abs_builddir)/.libs/" cargo build -v
mv $(abs_builddir)/.libs/debug/$@ $@
rust_plugin.o: demux/rust/src/lib.rs
cd $(srcdir)/demux/rust && CARGO_TARGET_DIR="$(abs_builddir)/.libs/" cargo rustc -- --emit obj
mv $(abs_builddir)/.libs/debug/$@ $@
am_librust1_plugin_la_OBJECTS = rust_plugin.o
librust1_plugin_la_LIBADD = librust_plugin.a
demux_LTLIBRARIES += librust1_plugin.la